It feels so good to be a kid, to play and dance in the rain, enthralled by the starry blue skies and wondered if ever the moon was ever keeping tabs on you. Our quest to find answers to the mysteries of creation that surrounds us knows no boundaries, our days of innocence soon to be out paced in some few years time. Wikipedia defines time as the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, to the future. This definition strikes a cord in me and should in yours too. It drives to me a cautious approach to my every single decision making no matter how simple and significant it is. Whatever it is it carries in itself a consequence either favorable or unfavorable. A passage through history records events in time for our own consumption and considerations. Yet I wonder so often why history is always repeated. Could it be men have refused to learn? The question of time begs an answer. An unpre...
Daily life experience of a Nigerian