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What next after Easter

I am a Nigerian and live in Nigeria. I celebrated Easter but did not observe the lent. Heard the sermons but did not pay attention. You ask why? I longed more for the public holidays than for the festivity. You can' but love such days in Nigeria, the harsh sunny climate and work pressures leaves you no choice! (lols)

The world is no stranger to festive seasons, over the past week, from March 30 to April 1 to be precise, the Christian faith celebrated the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a true account in the course of human history. During this period, so much activities are lined up at places of worship to commemorate the event. Movies and drama showing a shadow or similar agonies He went through. This reminds me of the first time I saw " Passion of Christ". I cried but could have wept. (lols). It was that emotional for me therefore I kind of avoided replaying such scenes in my mind on "Good Friday" by attending churches who likely might re-enact such cruel sufferings he endured at the hands of the Roman soldiers. The world at least for a moment in those few days had a quiet somber look as most local and international media did excellent by covering and reporting how people  observed this important event in the Christian history.

A niggling thought captured my mind, I wondered about it for long. If Easter was a man, he would frown on people like me, I would feel so small and my intentions would be like filth littering the corner streets. He would remind me of the helpless trafficked by the powerful for unjust gains, the children of Sub-Sahara Africa dying of malaria from ages 1-5 in their numbers, the need to visit prisons and bring hope to the condemned of this world, who truly or falsely have over the years endured unpleasant environments. He would tell me of the defenseless who only needed someone to speak for them, women suffering and living in fear of been abused sexually but cannot speak out.  He would have so much to say while I cover my face with my hands in shame, He would have me do more than rejoice at an opportunity to rest from labour and toil.

What next after Easter? Do I go back to my normal daily routing? Sure most probably. Am left with no choice. Just as the world has gone back to her normal routine attending to urgent matters. I will be looking forward to the next UEFA Champions League, celebrate every goal and attend to my vision 2050 plan. Don't ask me what it is, just watch it unfold. (lols) There is nothing wrong with this but there is something wrong being absolutely selfish. Am sure you do agree on this.

Easter is more than sermons, celebrations, public holidays and going to "Galilee". Don't get me wrong here, I have much respect for the festivities, but we can make it more about being selfless and sensitive to the immediate needs of others, rendering our voice where its needed, pay visits to prison to encourage those with no hope of ever regaining freedom, sight to the blind, ear to the deaf and feet to the lame, pray for one another and heal the brokenhearted. The list goes on but time will not permit me. Let's daily exemplify the lifestyle of the man by whose reason Easter is much observed. Then and there He would smile and give us a pat.

Thank you.


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