If there was one thing I missed this holiday, visiting my old aged grandmother is number one and that old big house like a palace too. Although I did miss some couple of other things but she ranks number one. Growing up as a kid, she played an important role in my life, I can't just imagine a world without my grandparents. Typical of our culture in Africa, my grandma had many reasons to visit us or send gifts to us from her base. The palm oil, kuli kuli, garri, biscuits and much more. I miss her fresh vegetable soup with spices eaten with a fine pounded yam wrapped in leafs. Someone's mouth is salivating right now. (lols). Oh! How I love her and still do. I can picture her face right now smiling at me.
Enough of my grandparent. Lets talk about yours? What is your relationship with them now that you have become an adult or a young adult? Is it cordial or strained? Whatever the case may be, you are still the grandchild they held and carried as a baby. The one they watched over when your parents had gone to work, the ones they never ceased praying for to ward off unfriendly people, even when you had not started taking your first baby steps. As much as our parents sacrificed, they did much more. It takes a selfless grandfather to allow his wife of many years to depart to the city on a visit to her grandchildren for weeks or months, but not without her husband of many years calling his children to know when his wife will be released to come back. (lols). So much love!
Many at times, their wise counsel could have been what our parents heeded to solve the problems they faced while raising us. The truth is they are an important part of our lives and they played a vital role in our becoming the majestic individuals we have become today. So lets take a moment in our busy schedules to call them, send gifts to them and show love. Speaking of myself, I am also guilty of this, I promise to make concerted efforts to reach my grandparents. Yes they may not understand the challenges we face today and the economic challenges of providing for our own immediate families too, lets not neglect them or despise them. A call from their grandchildren may just make a great difference in their today's activity. Will you make that happen?
In conclusion, in some few years time, everyone of us will become a grandparent. We will grow old and be in the shoes they are now. What sort of grandparent will we be? Will our grandchildren always long for our coming? Will they care and buy us gifts? What stories shall we tell them? Will it be Batman and Robin or Harry Potter? (lols). It is good and rewarding to show love and care to our grandparents.
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