Freedom is sweet. Its thought alone fuels that strong desire to break hitherto barriers that have proved stubborn to give way on its path. One of its greatest weakness is its boldness to drop hints of its presumed lofty ambition which is always met with a resistance. Its never far from each of us, we only need to find it. Freedom is many things, but one thing is certain, taking one owns life is not, harming your loved ones, and disobeying rules and regulations of a society is not, else, if we all do, that's a call for chaos. Laws and orders are not meat to deny us freedom of expression but to deal with those hell bent on preventing it to happen.
Freedom means different things to different people. To some it is actually being free of any cause to a responsibility and more especially break laws without a corresponding consequence. They kind of resent established authorities they perceive as a measure of control to limit and allow them to do as they want. I once fell into this category. Every time I got late to my primary school, I served a punishment. First of all, I was made to kneel down while I watched other students from a distance match to their respective classes, secondly we are made made to pick pieces of paper littered around the school compound. This I resented so much! I would say to myself its only a matter of time, I'll be free of this soon and count the number of years I have left to finish primary school.
For more than two weeks now, as much as I desired to come up with a story, I have failed to do so, not for lack of stories, in fact there are so many stories to snoop on. Like many of us, there are many and thousands things we can do yet we never do them, instead, we bear the pain of never doing them in our hearts. This causes unrest within us somewhere in the corners of our heart, it begs for expression like a prisoner seeking that air of freedom from the tortures behind the iron bars. We are caught in between the two: what we want done and what we have chosen to be obligated to. Both are crucial, yet at most times stand in the way of each other, each seeking its own loyalty from us.
I remember one afternoon while I walked by the stairs up to my office some weeks ago, I met a fellow young man and an avid reader of my blog,. We exchanged pleasantries and I had to apologize to him for the delay of a new publication. I expressed to him the numerous challenges am facing updating the blog weekly and how many at times coming up with a story is not just abracadabra. I told him my wish, then he said to me "That's a story in itself" I smiled and shook his hand while he walked down the stairs and I up to my once again office desk. Since then, his words stuck to my mind and the promise I made tickled me more. Don't tell anyone about this, promise me. (lols)
A wise man once said:
“The wealthiest place in the world is not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They are not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential.”
~ Myles Munroe
The truth is freedom has its price and its not cheap. Are you willing to pay?
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