My name is Tracy Brown, a daughter, wife and mother. I died and this is what happened next:
A foot into my third month of pregnancy, I only realized that I was pregnant. I was unable to remember my last menstrual date, this made calculating my birth month difficult. The much I could remember was that I saw my period last in the month of February. Thus by my own estimate, I concluded that I was due by November. From the Ist day of November 2016, I started expecting my baby, on the same day, I got an inspiration from the Holy spirit to always pray psalm 91 daily (This I will score myself 60/100 as I failed to pray it some days). While doing my morning devotions and studying the Bible, I hear the Holy Spirit say to me when I get to some certain scriptures, put this to heart. This He (the Holy Spirit) did with so many scriptures of which I did commit to heart.
At the end of November, I was already worried why my baby hasn't come considering that my first and second babies all came at their due dates and I birthed them naturally. Though at sixth month of conception (by my estimate) I did an ultra scan which gave me an expected date of delivery for 10th December 2016 which was considered a late scan for due date by the doctors. On the 5th of same month, (still pregnant ), I noticed that my baby's movement had reduced, so I decided to go to the hospital the following day being 6th of December 2016 for my antenatal and equally complain same to my doctor.
After explaining to my doctor of the reduced fatal movement, she suggested that I go do an ultra-scan immediately. When the result came out, it was recorded that my baby's heart rate was good, the tone was zero and movement was zero. With this result, the consultant who reviewed my scan result quickly asked that my baby be brought out through Cesarean Operation. This scuttled me, with tears I agreed to go ahead. The operation was successful, my baby and I were safe.
On the 7th of December while in the post natal ward, during the normal routine injections for pain, infections and all, two injections was administered on me. Immediately I received these injections, my body started shutting down. I called for the nurse who gave me these injections and questioned her what she gave me and while all these was going on, my body was still shutting down. I sent for my immediate younger sister who is a doctor in this hospital. Before she arrived, a doctor has already tried to administer drip on me but was unable because my veins can no longer be seen. When my sister arrived at the scene she asked me who gave me the injection, I pointed at the lady nurse who did.
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